It's high 60's in Southern California in late May!?!?!?!
What is going on??? Well, gotta admit, kinda like the cool spring though :)
Here's tonight's dinner...
Bacon and shrimp pasta
Tortilla pizza
Veggie sticks
Me and my kids were out to my friend's house until 5pm today, so I had to cook really quick. Made something really easy and quick!!!
Here's the recipes of the day:
Well, not really a 'recipe' but it's super easy and semi-homemade :p
Bacon and Shrimp pasta
Shrimp---12 (?)
Mushroom---1/3 pkg
Pasta---1/2 box
*marinara sauce---1/2 jar
*minced garlic---1/4tsp
1) Cut Bacon, onion and mushrooms in bite size.
2) In a large pan, cook bacon until oil comes out.
3) Add Onion and mushroom then cook until Onion and mushrooms are halfway cooked.
4) Put all the *sauce ingredients except for mayonnaise, then put shrimps.
5) Add cooked pasta (al dente) until everything is well cooperated.
6) Turn off heat, put mayonnaise and mix gently.
To me, Store bought marinara sauce are missing something always.
By adding ketchup, it gives you a bit of fullness, and a little bit of mayonnaise gives a slight mildness in flavor.
Tortilla pizza
This is super easy.
marinara sauce
Shredded cheese
Toppings of your choice
You probably know what to do with them, right?
1) Put marinara sauce on tortilla, then add toppings and cheese.
2) Preheated 450F oven, bake for a couple of minutes until cheese melts.
Whenever I buy tortilla, I can never finish using (eating) them before they get bad.
So I decided to freeze them one by one in a saran wrap and Ziploc bag.
And same with shredded cheese.
I freeze them!
Now I can make fresh tortilla pizza anytime :)
Whenever you want a slice of pizza, you can bake it up in a matter of couple of minutes and fulfill your desire!
Those of you who care about portion and calories (ME!!!!!!), it's got a lot less calories and fat than regular pizzas :)
Picture of the day:
Once upon a time, I used to own and ran a coffee shop in Japan...
mmm...good ole'days...