Monday, May 24, 2010

Groceries for the week 3

Here's the groceries for the week.

I used Fresh & Easy again. Why? Coupons again! :)
My coupons are good until 5/31, so I might go one more time before it expires :p

As you can see in the first photo, I bought a bag of Idaho potato again. ha ha
99cents for a bag, can't beat that!
And they were selling 6 ears of corn for only 99cents too!!!!!

All those produce came up to $51.46 BUT I got $10off coupon at F&E. Yay. so it's $41.46. And plus the meat and Fish I have in the freezer...

Estimated for about $22.86 by using, Fillet Mignon, Pork tender, Chicken breast, Bacon and Salmon.
Total comes up to $64.32.

Let me think what I should make for the week! Stay tuned...