Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday - Hijiki seaweed rice

Tonight's dinner was...

Hijiki seaweed rice
Baked potato
Lettuce wrap (ground meat)
Bell peppers and celery in herbal butter sauce

hahaha, yes, as you probably may have noticed...
I'm updating my 3 blogs in one day.
No, today is not a boring day, it was quite the opposite actually.

But let me get to that after some of the recipes:

Hijiki seaweed rice

Hijiki---1/3 cup (cooked)
Carrots---5 baby carrots (julienned)
Oyster mushroom---1 (cut in bite size)
Age tofu (fried tofu)---1 (same size or smaller as mushroom)
Rice---3 cup (uncooked)

*soy sauce---5tbs
*konbu dashi powder---1tbs

1) Wash rice and put water to set in the rice cooker.
2) Put all the ingredients including *sauce.

3) Make sure to mix well before start cooking rice.

Baked potato

This is a quick version


Any toppings you like.
I used 2% Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. It works :)

1) Wrap potatoes in saran wrap, then pop in microwave for 2 minutes on 1000W.
2) Use tooth picks to make sure it's cooked through. Then wrap aluminum foil half way, then pop into a toaster oven for a few minutes.
If you don't have a toaster oven, use regular oven for a few minutes on preheated 450 degree.

Lettuce wrap

It's so easy, you don't have to go to P.F.Changs to eat them!

You can simply use any ingredients you want for your lettuce wrap.
Chicken, pork, beef, you name it.
But today, I had ground meat from last week, and wanted to get rid of 1/2 onion and broccoli stems also.

Ground meat---1/2 pound
Onion---1/2 (chopped)
Broccoli stems---1 (chopped)
Lettuce---1/2 head

*Hoisin Sauce---3tbs

1) In a large pan, cook onion and broccoli stems with 1/2 tbs oil, and light salt and pepper. To speed up cooking time, add a splash of white wine or water.
When it's halfway cooked, put them onto a plate to set aside.

2) In a same pan, put 1/2tbs oil then cook ground meat until halfway cooked.
3) Add veggies back to the pan, then put hoisin sauce.

4) Cook until everything is cooperated on a high heat.

I use this Hoisin sauce.

So, back to my day.

Today was my daughter's 4 month check up at a pediatrician's office.
My son woke up quite early for his preschool, we were getting ready kind of slowly.
My son even had a time to take a bath! So there he was taking a bath...but he kept saying he was not warm enough to get out of bath.
I think he was in the bath for maybe 10 to 15min or so.

Got dressed and getting ready to go to school with daddy...then he told me he wanted to lay down a bit before heading out.

Hmmm...usually he's pretty good about getting ready to go to school since he LOVES school very much. Something must be up.

I touched his forehead...


He had a fever.

Well, plan changed.

He's coming to the doctor's office with me then.

We got to the doctor's office, my son looking worse than before.
He claims he can't sit up light any more...

oh no...

Needless to say, he was obviously being so sick nurse suggested if he needed to see a doctor as well.

Checked his temperature...

103 degree

better see a Doctor.

My 4 month daughter getting immunization shots.
Crying her guts out.

My 3 years old son getting culture out of his throat.
Crying his guts out.

I wish I could cry my guts out too ;(

By the way though, my daughter is growing so well...well, so fast!?

She was born a little less than 7lb.
Now she's 4 months old, she weights a little less than 16lb!!!!!!
No wonder she wears 6 months clothes!
She's 100% breastfed.
Probably nurses 4 to 5 times a day.
Sleeps about 8 hours straight at night.
I'm very blessed to have a very healthy baby :)

Here's bento for tomorrow...

Picture of the day:

These are my life savers.

Baby Bjorn is from my son's time.
It's awesome when I'm on a go.
She is in it every time I go shopping.
This way, she never fuss!

Ergo Baby.
I recently just purchased it for back carrying purpose.
This way, I can cook without fussy baby! She usually just cruises or sleeps in it while I'm preparing for dinner.

Those two items are the bomb!