Hayashi Rice
Veggies and hummus
Quick and easy tonight.
No recipe to share tonight, sorry!
I have 4 more days to clean and pack...
Well, I'm really behind on 'cleaning' part.
Our place is never really 'dirty' but you know, like dusty corners of furniture and floors, but mostly bathrooms.
I kept thinking that I need to clean, but I kept putting it off!
I really should do it.
My mind is spinning every day now.
There are things I need to do;
Like getting some Thank You cards and gifts to my son's preschool teachers (the end of school year is on Friday).
Making sure I've got enough souvenirs to my friends and family in Japan.
Meanwhile, I'm booking myself for appointment with a lactation consultant and several play dates this week.
It's good that I keep myself busy so I don't just sit and start to panic...because, I would do that. Being busy keeps my mind off from imagining how things going to be on the 11-hr flight.
This blog is becoming my murmur-log, and not so much of food-log. haha.
Bear with me ;p
Here's the picture of Bento for tomorrow: