Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuessday - Chicken stir fry

Tonight's dinner was...

Chicken stir fry
Orange roughy in ginger soy sauce
Green beans with balsamic sauce

My son didn't have school today, but I didn't take him anywhere since I had many loads of laundry to do. Thankfully though, he was being very good boy he entertained himself all day. Pretty much. He does this thing where he throws a football above him, then catches as he runs.
Our place is not very big, but not too small either, so just about enough (?) space for him to run and catch ball alone :)

Then he took a nap for a couple of hours without any problem! What a great son he was today!!! I was able to get a lot done. I finished all the washing (bedding always takes time) and packing! Now I feel a little less of a stress about the trip...just a little bit.

Here's the recipe of the day:

Chicken stir fry

Chicken thigh (or breast)---2 thighs
Cabbage---1/4 roughly chopped
red bell pepper---1/2 about same size as cabbage
mushrooms---1/2 pkg thick slice

*sauce 1
soy sauce---2tbs
grated ginger---1tsp
minced garlic---1tsp
potato starch---2tbs

*sauce 2
Oyster sauce---2tbs
soy sauce---2tsp

1) marinate meat with *sauce 1 mixture (without starch). Then coat with starch.
2) In a large pan, cook meat both size until halfway cooked.
3) Put them onto a plate, put aside.
4) In a same pan, drizzle oil then cook cabbage, mushroom, and peppers. Season with 2tsp of Chinese soup stock powder, then add 2tbs of water.
5) When the veggies are halfway cooked, put the *sauce 2 mixture, then add back the chicken.
6) Mix well on a high heat.

We ate dinner without daddy tonight. SO the Orange roughy was for my son's dinner and his lunch (bento) for tomorrow. I was going to make a salad, but then realized that I will be the only person to be eating it. My son's favorite veggies are only carrots and cucumbers.
Less cooking, more time to relax for me :)

I think my son knows we are going to be away from his daddy for a long time soon, he's so lovey dovey to his daddy!

My husband is coming home really late tonight, but my son's trying his hardest to stay awake until he sees his daddy because he wants to give him a big hug.
It makes me feel bad that my husband won't be able to see our kids for a month... I'm so appreciative about his generosity about letting me go to Japan every year.

That's why I try my best to cook bento every day! ;p

Here are the bentos for my boys for tomorrow...